Wep Ronpet 2021

Wep Ronpet is almost here and my spiritual path and life in general is rearranging itself. It’s not necessarily a major drama or upheaval (even though there has been a profound shift for me). But at this stage of my life, God/dess/Universe/Netjer has decided that I need to “get back to my roots” spiritually and declutter so to speak. This is the culmination of a spiritual journey I began whilst overseas in Europe in late 2019 and found myself really exploring during the pandemic in 2020 and again during this current lockdown.

What I really found freeing was that when I was overseas, no one knew me so I had no expectations on me. I could really embrace myself fully and wholeheartedly – and I did. When I got back from Europe I had some real moments of clarity and I’ve just been working on them diligently and methodically ever since. I’ve had a few hiccups along the way, but mainly it’s been a work in progress.

So since last Wep Ronpet, The Ma’ati have had me slowly work my way back towards KO, with a detour via Buddhism. I’ve long been involved in Buddhism and that isn’t likely to change in a hurry. My Jewish identity is a huge part of who I am and I’ve managed to reconcile that with my spirituality. I’m also working on finding a “slot” for my relationship with Odin. Many years ago, I was active in Asatru and initially begrudgingly started working with Him. Over the years, our relationship has cemented and I am an Odinsdottir and I have the tattoo to prove it. That’s still a work in progress and likely will be for the rest of my life. I’m cool with that.

Last month I made a massive change career-wise and moved from IT into healthcare after 25 years. It’s really rewarding and I’m really enjoying it, even though I’m starting from scratch and doing a traineeship. Serqet came to me and told me that She will be my Patron in my career (which makes sense since I am Parented as a child of Aset-Serqet – even though I only ever knew Aset). So I’m looking forward to getting to know Her. Aset and I have a strained relationship at this point in time and I don’t even really like Her very much at this stage. So it’s been a rather lonely foray back into being an active Shemsu.

This Wep Ronpet will be about leaving behind doubt and uncertainty and embracing my new career and returning to my spiritual path. And I’m really looking forward to it.

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